This is the first in what I plan to be
a regular segment on the blog. Each Sunday I'll be summarising my
hobby and gaming activity during the week as well as providing a
glimpse into the week ahead. I'm not totally sold on the name of this
segment, so it may change and suggestions are welcome.
Restarting the Blog
Restarting the Blog
So I've recently decided to restart the blog as you
may have guessed. What you wont know at this point is that I've
decided to restart it in a much bigger way. It's still a work in
progress, but the aim is to post far more regularly, perhaps 2-3
times a week and to generally take a more professional attitude to
the blog.
When I first started the blog the aim
was to track the building of my Lizardmen army. You can see the
results here
In the past, even when I was posting on a semi regular basis it was always in a hap-hazardous way. There was no regularity to my posts, I would write them on a whim and just keep writing till I ran out of things to say. While I'm proud of the posts I wrote in my Lizardmen series, they were very much sprawling affairs reaching into the 3-4000 word mark that I'm sure for many people earned the mark of tl:dr (too long didn't read for those not familiar with internet speak). The plan now is to write shorter but more regular posts, with the occasional essay thrown in.
I also want to aim for regular days on
which to post. At the moment I'm thinking Tuesdays and Thursdays with
a regular week in hobby post on Sunday, although this is subject to
change. I also want to broaden the subject matter for the blog. While
it will primarily remain a Games Workshop gaming and hobby blog, I
want to include the occasional post on other types of gaming, such as
board games and perhaps even computer gaming although I'm not sure
how far down that rabbit hole I want to go.
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My one post since making the Lizardmen
army was about the Dark Pact,
a Horus Heresy themed tale of several
gamers. You can check it out here
As to why I'm doing this, there are a
few reasons. The main one is that a couple months ago I moved to
Cardiff. Right now I'm only a 20min walk away from from a good gaming
venue as opposed to the 45min train ride I had to traverse while
living in Weymouth. I also have a few friends already here, who are
hobbyists like me and so there should be a hell of a lot more hobby
and gaming in my life in general, giving me much more material to
write about.
Taking part in the hobby and writing
about it has gone very much hand in hand since I started this blog. A
lack of posts has very much been a symptom of a lack of hobby in my
life, with just one or two exceptions.
I've also recently had the urge to write more lately, to practice and get better at it and this likewise fuels my desire to get this blog into a better state.
I've also recently had the urge to write more lately, to practice and get better at it and this likewise fuels my desire to get this blog into a better state.
At the moment though, consider the format of this blog to be very much a work in progress and there will likely be some trial and error. Comments, criticisms and suggestions at any point will be greatly appreciated about anything, from the hobby to the format of the blog to the writing itself. Feel free to leave them here directly on the blog or tweet them at me here, but please, keep them constructive.
Elsewhere in the week
On Monday I had a visit from Dave over on Zen and the Art of Miniature Painting. He talks about the visit here but the long and short of it is we had a game of Battlefleet Gothic and my Word Bearers fleet decimated him. Later we played the board game Relic with two of our other gaming buddies in which I didn't do quite so well. I'll leave the detail to Dave, he gives a small battle report, it's a good read and there's some pictures of our fleets you should definitely check out.
Later in the week I began sorting out my Tyranid collection in preparation for the new codex being released Saturday. I posted the results Friday and you should expect the second part of that post, where I see how my army totals up under the new codex, on Tuesday. I'll also be writing some thoughts on how my army has changed under the new dex and some first impressions.

I've got some other posts in the works as well, which should be up over the next few weeks, including a more in depth look at my painted Tyranids so far as well as an explanation of how I painted them. In fact I've got a couple of posts in mind for the Tyranids.
I will also be returning to the Dark Pact, to give you an update on this floundering Horus Heresy themed tale of many gamers. After my game this week I plan to write a bit about my love of Battlefleet Gothic, including posting a short story I wrote for my fleet in a campaign a couple of years ago.
I also plan this week to get started on painting more Tyranids, although I'm not quite sure where to start yet, but expect to see some posts about it should I make any progress.
And that's it for this Week in Hobby.
If you like the post comment and share it with your friends
Till next time...
(PS I might need a better closing line too)
Hey Jim!
ReplyDeleteNice to see you back into the blogging, always liked reading your posts (I like the long winded approach!) and if I am honest it made me start blogging and you actually introduced me to podcasts a few years back!
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Any more lizardmen/fantasy plans?
I'll still do long posts from time to time. They take a long time to write so I think in the past that put me off. I think shorter but more frequent is more managable.
ReplyDeleteI'll prob write something on Warhammer at some point. Part of me wanted to start a new army but trying to avoid that. I like the idea of returning to my lizards especially with their new book coming out last year. Although if I did I think I'd want to rebase and possibly repaint parts of it, but it's not a priority at the moment
Sounds awesome mate, ive added you to my blog roll on my site :)
ReplyDeleteNew lizards are great, ive written a few posts on my blog about them so feel free to peruse!
Excellent cheers mate. I'll be sure to check that out